So I got to visit the orphanage earlier this month, it somewhat felt different this time. I mean it always makes me sad to see the kids being in the orphanage, but it hit me hard this time. It just broke my heart to see the babies crying in the cribs, and the careless ayi just ignored them.  The toddlers ran around with dirty faces and runny noses, and nobody cared to clean it for them.  The giant play/therapy room has no equipment for them to play or do therapy with, so the only things they have there are a TV and few tables and chairs.  And, the smell of therapy room just made me sick to my stomach… All I could think the whole morning was that we need to open Hope Station as soon as possible: Those kids need us!! We can provide clean clothes, nutrition and we can wipe noses all day long if we need to.  Those kids need love and better care, they need Hope Station! 

On a happier note, I got to see Ezra before he got on the school bus. He is one of the boys we have been advocating for a long time, I am so happy that he remembered me. He came up to me with a big smile on his face :)
In the afternoon, I got to sit down and talk to the director for a little bit. It’s really encouraging to know that she is so patiently waiting for Hope Station to be accomplished.  After the meeting with the director, Danny and I went on a pr*yer walk, pr*ying for every room we could, particularly for all the administrative rooms that they would be good stewards and servants to the children. 

 We also got to take some kids out to their new playground, which was such a treat as I got to hear them giggle and see them have fun! 

Oh i almost forgot to mention how blessed we were to be able to bring a few simple gifts for the children. Things we take advantage of like bubbles, balloons, playdoh and arts of crafts brought the kids such incredible joy. 

"Religion that is pure and undefiled before G*d, the Father, is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world." James 1:27
4/3/2014 02:33:26 am

What a beautiful post, Sara! I was so touched to read about your pr*yer walk. Thank you for loving the children. I am so anxious for Hope Station to be able to welcome some of these children into its home! Pr*ying for the Father's perfect timing!

4/3/2014 03:54:03 am

SO GREAT. I love that you walked through the building asking Him for His presence, and I'm just so glad you got to go :)


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    About Sara...

    I am a native Chinese, I have been working with orphaned children since 2005, and my life has been changed ever since. About four years ago I felt the call from the Father to start my own foster home in my hometown. I am really excited to see how He is going to use me for his work through this foster home...


    一月 2014
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    九月 2013

