This month is the 3rd  anniversary for Hope Station! Woohoo…Time flies!! Looking back, I can’t really put my words together for how grateful I am for everything; thankfully,this pr*yer came to me:
Heavenly Father, thank you for bringing Rebekah and I together to start your work 3 years ago. We are so honored and blessed to be a part of it!
Thank you for being so faithful and for reminding us that you are always there when we feel discouraged. 
Thank you for putting the puzzle pieces together, when we don’t even know we need them. 
Thank you for keeping us strong when we and others doubt our abilities. 
Thank you for the opportunities to share your stories in us with people and touch their lives.
Thank you for teaching us about patience in waiting to actually open Hope Station.
Thank you for always reminding us that things don’t work by our time or pace, but yours. 
Oh Father, you are the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, and you know our needs. So please keep us strong and help us to get through this waiting. We know the hardship along the way is nothing compared to your power, and that through your grace, it is only making us stronger. 
Oh Father, please equip us well, so we will be ready for your work. Please give us your wisdom and strength when we face the challenges before us….Thank you Jes*s, in your name I pr*y, Amen!

"Religion that is pure and undefiled before G*d, the Father, is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world." James 1:27

    About Sara...

    I am a native Chinese, I have been working with orphaned children since 2005, and my life has been changed ever since. About four years ago I felt the call from the Father to start my own foster home in my hometown. I am really excited to see how He is going to use me for his work through this foster home...


    一月 2014
    十一月 2013
    十月 2013
    九月 2013

