My name is Sara Zhou, I am a native Chinese, I have been working with orphaned children since 2005. I am currently working at a foster home that’s one hour outside of Beijing, my job here is orphanage liaison, I am usually the one the orphanages first contact when they need our help to take care of their kids, or when their kids under our care are getting adopted, I am also the one to travel with the kids back to their provinces to meet their adoptive families, I feel so blessed and honored to be able to witness the most touching and precious moment so many times.

My initial reason to work with these kids was simply that I needed a job, and there happened to be an opportunity, it seemed random, but little did I know that was actually part of G*d’s plan. You see, I never liked kids before I started working here, yes I hated little children. To me, kids were just bunch of ungrateful children that whine and cry for everything they want, and they were just too much work. But funny how G*d works sometimes…. Before I knew it, my life was already changed by these precious little ones, they became the biggest part of my life, I found myself talking about them all the time. I mean how could I not love them? They are so cute and loving. I love when they run to me with their open arms whenever they see me; I love when they yell at my name with big smile on their adorable faces; I love when they blow kisses at me; I love when they say “I love you” or ‘I miss you” to me; I love their innocent laughter when I tickle them; I love when they let me hold their little hands; I could go on and on about how much I love them, but you get the point!

Because of my work with these children, I couldn’t see myself to do anything else but serving them for the rest of my life. About 4 years ago, G*d gave me the vision of starting my own foster home in my hometown, but I didn’t know when or how or who I was going to work with until one day He brought my dear friend and partner to my work place. It was through seemed random conversation she had with some random people about what she wanted to do in her future, and I happened to be in the same room. Her answer was “Oh I have always wanted to serve the orphans in China”, I immediately looked at her and said “really? We gotta talk.” So later that day, we shared our stories with each other, it turned out we share the same vision from above, and we both felt that G*d brought us to work together to start a foster home in my hometown. So that very night, we came up with a long list of what we need to do and such. It took us a while to decide on the name for our foster home, but we both agreed to call it “Hope Station”. We want the kids under our care and the people we work with to have the hope we have from the Father, also station sounds unique for a foster home, and it represents that our foster home will be just a short term stop before they find their forever family. 
And this blog is dedicated to HS! Feel free to visit our website:, and stay tuned for our updates :)

"Religion that is pure and undefiled before G*d, the Father, is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world." James 1:27

Rebekah and i got to visit an orphanage that's going to work with us in the future :)
9/1/2013 11:14:30 pm

Blessings and love sweet friend!!! 'Thinking' for you all! XOXO

Janet and Kevin Bourke
9/3/2013 11:12:48 pm

Awesome! We are so happy that you are getting to do the work of your heart and our Dad's!


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    About Sara...

    I am a native Chinese, I have been working with orphaned children since 2005, and my life has been changed ever since. About four years ago I felt the call from the Father to start my own foster home in my hometown. I am really excited to see how He is going to use me for his work through this foster home...


    一月 2014
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