I bet anyone who is currently in the process of adopting or has gone through the adoption process would agree with me in saying, “adoption is a beautiful thing!”  Although I have never adopted before,  adoptions have already affected me in so many ways! It’s the most beautiful moment to me when I see adoptive parents meet their child face to face for the first time and I have been so blessed to witness this many of times throughout my career in orphan care.

I always get so excited when I get to tell the child that their parents are coming to get them soon! I got to do that again about two weeks ago… I am so happy that our Addie is going home with her parents in less than two weeks! I will miss her so much, especially when she asks these very smart questions like, “It’s snowing outside, are you going to hibernate?” or tells me very wisely, “Don’t ask me this, ask the Heavenly father”. I will miss when she asks me to do her nails or when I say good night to her, she kisses me and tells me she loves me! I will miss when she wants my attention, she would say” hold me if you love me!” I will miss ­her dancing and singing!­ I will miss when she tells me that I am not a girl because of my short haircut! I will miss her sassy, “hmph!” when I have to tell her I am too busy to play with her…..

I will miss her dearly, but the fact that there will be one less orphan in this world just makes my heart sing! But there are still so many orphans waiting for somebody to take them home! Are you one of them? Did you get the call from above to adopt? If so, do something about it!

Please visit the following links for information of some older boys who are still waiting for their families!

"Religion that is pure and undefiled before G*d, the Father, is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world." James 1:27

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    About Sara...

    I am a native Chinese, I have been working with orphaned children since 2005, and my life has been changed ever since. About four years ago I felt the call from the Father to start my own foster home in my hometown. I am really excited to see how He is going to use me for his work through this foster home...


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